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contoh kalimat the four

"the four" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The Four Horsemen have risen from Hell!
    The four horsemen have telah bangkit dari neraka!
  • In 1952 he wrote The Four Spiritual Laws.
    Pada tahun 1952 ia menulis The Four Spiritual Laws.
  • Oh yes, we are 'The Four Fantastiques'.
    Ya, kita adalah "The Four Fantastic"
  • We are The Four Horsemen.
    Kami The Four Horsemen. [ Empat Pesulap ]
  • You found a connection between me and the Four Horsemen.
    Kau temukan hubungan antara aku dan the Four Horsemen.
  • It's in his book "The Four Loves."
    Dalam bukunya The Four Loves.
  • "The Four Who Speak As One."
    "The Four Who Speak As One."
  • We are The Four Horsemen.
    Kami adalah The Four Horsemen.
  • Accessed October 19, 2015 "Folk-Nanny – Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons".
    Diakses tanggal 2010-05-08. ^ "Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons".
  • Honey Tangerine By Kiri T Relaxing With Vevova Music Mp3
    Zhavia Kz Tandingan The Four Singer 2018 Mp3
  • This guy's apartment makes McGee's look like The Four Seasons.
    Orang ini apos; s aparent membuat McGee apos; s Terlihat seperti The Four Seasons.
  • Yeah, I got that number run. It's a bar. 'The Four Roses.'
    Yeah, aku sudah periksa nomor itu itu nomor bar di. 'The Four Roses.'
  • His 1962 film The Four Days of Naples was nominated for two Academy Awards.
    Film 1962-nya The Four Days of Naples dinominasikan untuk dua Academy Award.
  • Cabbages and Kings was his first collection of stories, followed by The Four Million.
    Cabbages and Kings adalah koleksi cerpen pertamanya, diikuti oleh The Four Million.
  • Pirrie built the Temple of the Four Winds near the Devil's Punchbowl, Hindhead.
    Pada tahun 1900-an, ia membangun Temple of the Four Winds dekat Devil's Punchbowl, Hindhead.
  • Robert Donat in The 39 Steps... and John Clements in The Four Feathers.
    Robert Donat di film The 39 Steps... dan John Clements di film The Four Feathers.
  • In 1952, he wrote The Four Spiritual Laws, an evangelistic Christian tract.
    Pada tahun 1952, ia menulis "The Four Spiritual Laws" ("Empat Hukum Rohani"), suatu traktat evangelikal Kristen.
  • The Annals of the Four Masters dates his accession to 378 and death to 405.
    Annals of the Four Masters mencatat ia naik tahta tahun 378 dan wafat tahun 405.
  • Clever guys, although I think the original version was by Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons.
    Orang yang pintar, walau menurutku versi aslinya dibawakan oleh Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons.
  • The Four Strut Coil Tie is similar in form and use to the Two Strut Coil Tie,
    The Four Strut Coil Tie serupa dalam bentuk dan digunakan untuk Two Strut Coil Tie,
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